DotProduct Store
DotProduct Store
  • Complete handheld 3D scanning kits

    Indoor, outdoor. Windows, Android, iOS. Longer range, shorter range.
    Assemble your ideal Dot3D kit from our diverse suite of supported solutions.
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  • RealSense, PrimeSense, iOS LiDAR

    Browse our growing collection of highly capable plug-and-play Dot3D hardware solutions. Select the ideal camera(s) for your particular needs.
    Shop 3D Cameras
  • Just need software?

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  • Make the most out of your kit

    With our collection of critical accessories for dark areas, hard to reach spaces, stabilization, etc.
    Shop Accessories

Accurate solutions

Dense point cloud data with attainable accuracies of 2-5 mm or better

Cross-platform tech

3D scanning and processing on Windows, Android, and iOS

Versatile options

Plug-and-play hardware suited for wide range of capture environments

Rapid local processing

Maximum security and data control with fast, secure, local data processing

Choose your starting point

Looking for a complete kit? Just the software? Add-on accessories? Select below to start building now:

3D Camera Kits

Structured light, infrared, stereo, and LiDAR 3D depth camera kits suited for all your needs


Where the magic happens. Browse Dot3D plans for your tablet, phone, or desktop.


Scan in the dark. Extend your reach. Customize your kit with the right tools for the job.

Professional solutions for industrial applications and rugged environments

Our award-winning mobile 3D scanning technology is built on over a decade of experience in a wide range of professional use cases and applications.

Would you like order assistance from a regional Dot3D representative? Please contact a local reseller.

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